Screen Acting Gym

Acting Gym is a collaborative, fun, dynamic, powerful and irreverent work out using the Scene alignment technique. This popular and simple technique weaponizes participation, bringing the intelligence of the whole group to the work: the hive mind.

Find out how much you know about acting (you’ll be surprised), AND learn:

  • How to run your own peer led scene group.
  • How to take direction and turn your performance on a dime.
  • How a scene can be REALLY different, take to take/ run to run – but just as good: bake irreverence into your work.
  • How much you know about good acting – explore your directing skills and set yourself up for future collaborations and creating your own work.

How to run your own peer led scene group – in New Zealand Peter has set up with the Actors Union Equity a plethora of such groups. They sustain actors and help keep them in the game

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